Abigail's Baby Shower

on Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I made this video for a surprise Baby Shower that Abigail's sister, Katie, organized for her. I heard it made some people cry. I hope you enjoy it... and laugh too. They forgot to take pictures so I'll ask Abi to tell you all about it later...


Anderson Family said...

Thanks for posting that cute video it was so cute. The video does a great job as showing you a so sweet and such a sweet mother. I am excited your your second one to come!

Jennelle said...

Loved the video! So sweet! So I am thinking you had the baby. I hope all went well and can't wait to see pictures.

Harmonia Sanare said...

This video really made me cry! But from happiness! Abi, many blessings to you and your family. I can feel all the love your family has for you as well as the love that you have in your new family with Roberto. You are a great mother, I can see it! Thank you for sharing this video and the process of your life. :)

Ñañito, ¡me hizo llorar el video de emoción!

Sentí tan fuerte el amor del Señor hacia nosotros, especialmente hacia tu familia...Ver el proceso de la vida de una persona, el cómo crece desde un ser tan pequeñito hasta la mujer que es ahora, con su propia familia, y seguir con el ciclo de la vida, lo cuál es traer otra vida a éste mundo. El Espíritu está tan fuerte en tu bella familia ñañito, ¡qué bendición! Sigue así, muchas gracias por compartir algo tan íntimo con nosotros. ¡Un super abrazo a todos!